Work diary: Woodblock (1)

Mon 20 August - Storm

Lightning storm over village

Thunder and lightning storms are common here, I stood outside last night and filmed the lightning on my camera, to get the images of the white light lines hitting the ground (maybe not the most sensible thing to do). I found that out later today, (when there was such a bolt of thunder and flash of lightning it felt like it was in my studio, where I was working on my computer). The lights and power went off with that, actually making me leave the room, and go down to the technicians who were in on Sunday. The emergency lighting was off, the internet and really there was little I could do. I went for dinner then came back to find the power on, except for my sockets and one of the banks of fluorescent lights in the studio. I am in the top corner of the building, just under one of the four lightning rods. In future I will be unplugging my laptop and going downstairs – and doing something without electricity!

First ink experiment
First ink experiment

Anyway, I was actually working on an image of the storm, making decisions of how to progress it... and if I could use some colour perhaps with lino or woodblock printing before adding a black in, yes you guessed it, lithography.

I keep working on the piece and then coming back to it after it dries, but actually I think it is finished.

Sometimes I change things then wish I hadn’t – but hope that if you really have to work to resolve an image and get what you want, then it is better for the effort and sometimes slight panic, that when you revisit the original first one, you find it more satisfactory than with the change you have just made! The left hand side was the problem… and so I had to try and adjust it more than a few times…

I found I was still struggling with the left hand side when I had had three attempts, but then was happier with my final one, which is photographed here over the block of wood that I am going to cut the lightning into.

I used a computer visual to check my idea, in terms of colour and composition, as it is hard to see how the vignette will look otherwise.

This is the one I finally settled on, which is sitting on top of the woodblock that I have decided to use for a background.

Final image
Final ink image over block of wood

Then I got my wood and cutting tools out, and started. I am glad it was quite a low key piece of carving to start my woodblock printmaking here with. There are some amazing examples and it can be a little daunting.

Woodcutting tools
Woodcutting tools

I just need to sort out the way in which I can apply the other colours, which I have put together quickly digitally so that I can get a feel of the power of the storm. It is amazing to be here – they sound a siren to warn people visiting the village to go inside, and shelter.

My plans to complete the storm piece are to work on this late in the week. Although the main image is complete, I need to resolve the colour, and would like to blend them in a flat area, so will need to consider how best to get there. I also need to remember that the lightning must be white in the central area, so I will have to register the lightning mark. I am excited to do this piece.

This is the first rough from the computer that I use to explain what I want to achieve when talking to the people here.. a little dark but you get the idea…

Computer visual (1)
Computer visual

Now I have been working with colour onto the woodblock, I have a couple of proofs to visualise more clearly what I am after, and have been experimenting with different papers that I have brought with me.

First 2 woodblock prints on rack
First two woodblock prints on rack

So that’s as far as I have got with this tonight. I have a quick visual here of how the black image may look over the vignetted background with the lightning striking.. will review it tomorrow.

An idea of storm image, over block print
An idea of it over block print

Of course, now I have started cutting into the wood, I want to continue to do a reduction print with this…. Not sure how that will go though. I will check what the situation is about it tomorrow, when I look at everything with fresh eyes!