
Flowers & plants

23 August 2012

A few words and pictures about the vegetation here. It is a tropical lush environment, with plenty of heat, rain and sun. When the rain falls, it is often torrential, and gives the ground a real soaking… the drainage is very effective and the water disappears in the heat quickly during the day. But when it rains it pours!

I have included here a few images of the flowers, plants, and odd things that suddenly pop up overnight (the fungi) but the most spectacular lotus flowers surprise me each morning as fresh ones open – they are really magnificent. Given more time I would draw from them.

Lotus blossom
Close-up of a lotus blossom


...oh, and between my passing at breakfast and dinner the mushrooms had been picked. There are many gardeners here.

Fruit tree
Fruit tree

Chinese iris
Chinese iris

Fresh leaves
Fresh leaves