Diary...progress & comments
Monday will be my last day here. Today, the weather seems to have a slight change, somehow the sky seems bluer, but not sure why, as it is as hot as ever…
I have been adding the seal to the signed editions. They all have names now:
- I sleep to Dream (large litho of sleeping girl)
- Where the earth meets the sky, I see you (girl alone)
- Where the earth meets the sky, we dance (two girls)
- GuanLan Thunderstorm (from the woodcut and litho combined)
Stamping the prints is a bit of a skill that isn't quite that easy for me yet... it took me quite a while to add the seal to the editions, but I love that I can identify the work with the seal from here. The ink is strange, it has a fibrous base that holds the ink and is slightly greasy I think. It lives in a special shaped recepticle (which you see the ink in here) that has a lid. After the first hundred seals I applied I got a bit more confident!
I need to pack later on, or perhaps tomorrow morning. I have travelled light but the brushes and paper I have to get home will make the packing a little complicated. The large prints will need to be sent by mail. Too big to bring on the plane, although I will bring a couple of each of the large ones, now I know why some people work smaller!
So that’s it. I will be photographed with my work, tomorrow. I have spent most of the day clearing through the work in the studio, and printing the last woodblock on the plain litho as I decided that the multi-layered one wasn’t what I had in mind for the edition, I will revisit it when I return to the UK.
I leave the evidence (the prints that the centre ask you to leave in exchange for your stay) of four editions. They ask artists to focus on producing two good works. I have just been working hard and couldn’t stop!