The Woodblock Team

Zhao Jiang Hua

The workshop manager, Mr Zhao Jiang Hua


The workshop manager was part of the woodblock team. He has his own studio and prints his own work, in his own time, from very large woodblocks. He was often in working (like everyone else) in the studio out of normal hours. The workshop ran without a hitch, under his respectful management, which you wouldn't realise, except that he took the responsibility for managing it.

I am not sure how to explain, as Mr Li (who is an established and famous Chinese Printmaking artist and responsible for decision making at the base) would have him to work with him, and also pass on instructions through him, as well as personally. Their style of working does depend on a rigid hierarchical system, but appears to be very mutually respectful to me, so although there is often or always the need to refer up to the next level, the respect and skill makes it work well.

They were so kind and taught me so much, with respect, that I never felt awkward on my voyage of learning the woodblock technique. There was also a university student, Xixi, who worked with the team, to produce her own work, and she also translated for me when she could. Such a great example of the gentleness and respect I found so often in China. She helped Chen Xiang Ning to show me how I needed to work, for which I will always be grateful. He was teaching her how to print, during her summer break.

I felt that it said so much about the place that they had students as well as artists there, and everyone was encouraged to produce their own work. I wish all places that had facilities like this could do the same, it enriched everyone's experience so much.

Chen Xiang Ning

Chen Xiang Ning





Zhao Jiang Hua

Zhao Jiang Hua, with his print